Each week, I'll choose one reader's comment and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back to see what cards come up.
The Three of Pentacles is about applying your gifts, talents and creativity to projects and to work that expresses who you are and what's important to you. Your creative success flows when you do something that you love. Do you love what you do and are you able to be creative in your work?
If you've been bored by the same old same old at work, now is the time to add more of YOU into what you do. Is there something about yourself that you've been holding back?
The Three of Pentacles energy invites you to be creative and tap into your natural talents. Let the real you come through. Not only will this energy re-ignite your interest in work, but it will also help you to do a better job, be recognized and succeed.
The Three of Pentacles may also indicate new employment, the ability to earn money, learning, applying your talents, job satisfaction and advancement. This may be a time to ask, "Would I feel more fulfilled at work if I were doing something else?" But don't jump ship too quickly! It might seem like finding new employment is the answer, but perhaps what you really need is a new approach to the job you already have.
Use the Three of Pentacles energy to help you enrich the job you have or seek something more suited to you. Remember -- you CAN love what you do AND get paid to do it.
Should you stay or should you go? Only you can truly answer that question.
I think this applies to how can I stay productive on my work-at-home job when MY KIDS ARE HOME FOR THE SUMMER!
It will most certainly require some creativity on all our parts.
While I work part-time, my real work is managing my family and my home. The "same old same old" is something I've been feeling. Weird how things can both go so quickly and so slowly ... at the same time. You have reminded me that I have great natural talent in my job. When I forget to use it, or when I let others overpower me, is when I fall into the rut. I know how to make life fun and rewarding for all of us, all the while getting everything done. Thanks for reminding me!
I've been feeling in a rut. I was just thinking today how I haven't felt much joy lately. I think I need something to get excited about. Something to spark my creativity........ but what? I will work on that one.
Being a Gemini with Virgo rising I almost always feel stifled by Mercury Retrograde. However, I have learned to use this time to reflect and rethink. 3 of Pentacles magnifies all that I have been reflecting and rethinking this time around. I am rethinking my creative ablities in regards Public Speaking and Writing. I feel the creative juices beginning to flow. What a welcomed feeling! Shall I dare say it? I am getting excited!
As I read through your comments, it seemed they all had a common theme -- change and needing to bring in more or recognize your own creativity.
I pulled the additional card in response to Lavendar Luz's comment on kids being home for the summer.
The card is the Knight of Wands -- which indicates that change is in the air and the feeling of being ready to go.
The Knight of Wands goes after whatever she wants with vigor, creativity and excitement. You have so much to share with the world!
The frustration that comes in is that either you stifle your own energy (doubts?) or you may feel frustrated by the little things that get in the way (for Lavendar Luz, this may feel like the demands of having your kids home and having less concentrated time to work).
You may be thinking, "If I could just work on this one big important project, I could really make a difference." But your time may be spent applying band-aids, getting snacks and planning activities.
Know that all of the little things around you are part of your "really big important project." Even if it doesn’t feel like these tasks count on your "To Do" list each day, they really do!
The Knight of Wands indicates that new people and experiences will be coming into your life right now. Be open to how this energy will appear in your life -- as it may come from unexpected places.
Perhaps a business contact you have wanted to make shows up at the park while you are there with your kids. Know that the universe has a divine plan and simply asks you to walk forward with intention and faith.
One last meaning for the Knight of Wands – which makes perfect sense for the summer -- is an upcoming vacation or travel will go well. Happy Knight of Wands energy and Happy Summer!
Even though you didn't know it was me, it fits perfectly.
I am eager to see what is coming to support me in my purpose. It really helps to be reminded that bandaids and snacks ARE my purpose.
Thanks for the insight, Sheri!
This is so funny! I just read your latest post (June 1) and decided to come back and reread the cards for that day which you'd already pulled singly.
Both these cards and the messages are a perfect example of the alchemy you describe when they come together. I find "echos" (if they can be called that since they predate the June 1 post) of your words, and your commenter's, in the post to come.
Back to the future...weird.
And, as a further personal inspiration, you pulled this card the day before I began my new job, the first out-of-home work I've had in nearly 11 years. That in itself is a cog in the wheel of my own life transformation.
Thanks, Sheri!
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