As I was on my long run last Monday, I was on the last two miles and ran past a beautiful Blue Heron sitting at the side of a pond near a golf course close to our home. I had seen another heron not a week before flying over our house...but now it was SO close and SO beautiful and peaceful.
When I got home, I immediately grabbed my camera to go get a photo, but when I got there, the bird was gone.
I looked up the Blue Heron in my reference book, "Animal Speaks," (link and information below). The Heron means, "Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance." Both of these are traits I need when I am running -- and in my life overall. A Perfect Moment to note this Monday.
I first ran the Boulder Bolder .. or is it Bolder Boulder ... in about 1984. It was great fun and the first time I got to watch the elite runners finish. They run the race way after I started and finished in the CU stadium.
Now I live in Arizona where I too see a blue heron once in a while standing in a fake stream that runs through a housing complex. Mine takes my breath away.
Have a great run. Enjoy the training.
What an incredible goal! Go YOU! And I love your perfect moment--lovely picture! And such a good one to remember while you are running your race!
Wow - a big goal with a little inspiration on the side of the road.
What a great moment!!
It's also such a majestic bird, like it knows it's own self-worth.
Can't wait to see you at the Bolder Boulder, even if I'm not running it with you ;-).
I'll wait for you at the end with refreshments.
That is so wonderful. What a Regal bird.
Have you seen all the owls Justin has been seeing? http://justinmatott-snickers.blogspot.com - TOO FUN!
What a wonderful moment and sign.
A beautiful bird. How perfect for her (or him, I suppose) to represent such admirable traits--traits we all can aspire for!
Good luck on your 10K!
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