Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more clarity...so check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.
Today's card is the Five of Wands (reversed). Fives are midway through the ace through ten cycle and typically symbolize upsetting the balance, disrupting harmony, change, competition, challenge and conflict.
Pulling this card in the reversed position isn't necessarily a bad thing because upside down can mean less of or the opposite of the upright meaning of the card.
The suit of Wands indicates energy and action. Combining the number with the suit, the Five of Wands can be an exciting challenge, changing conditions, new ideas and experiences, conflict, struggle, competition and the need to prove oneself.
If you have been caught up in these types of situation you know how exhausting it can be to maintain your energy levels. With the reversed card, you can relax a bit, knowing that some of the struggle may be over. What a relief!
Five of Wands (reversed) can also indicate mixed motivations of the people around you that may lead to conflict, but this card can give you a heads-up to not take things at face value and possibly dig deeper on an intuitive level to determine what other factors may be motivating people. With a deeper understanding, you will then be able to use this information as you move ahead.
When I mention a conflict in your life, what is the first thing that pops up into your head? Focus on that situation and see if you have moved beyond the original battle or competition that originally presented itself. If so, how can you continue to move forward?
If not, perhaps the Five of Wands (reversed) has to do with hidden motivations. If that is the case, go beyond what you see happening in this area of your life and intuitively dig deeper to "feel" what's really going on. Your intuition will tell you if you simply ask and be open to what comes to you (see, hear, feel, listen, taste, sense, etc.)
The Five of Wands (reversed) feels like a relief at this point in life. You can now look forward to the energy of the Six of Wands which is the "victory" card. After a tough battle (Five of Wands), the taste of victory (6 of Wands) and holding your ground (7 of Wands) are just around the corner. Remember that this too is a cycle, and with the five, you are about halfway there.
"dig deeper on an intuitive level to determine what other factors may be motivating people"
There is someone in my life I need to tune into more deeply.
I hope the resolution part is about a project I've been working on for WAY TOO LONG.
Thanks for starting my Tuesday off with such insight, Sheri!
"go beyond what you see happening in this area of your life and intuitively dig deeper to "feel" what's really going on"
Is it really that I want this thing so badly, or that I feel slighted by not getting it? I feel passed over, left out, marked as inferior, stigmatized. I think I need to focus my energies on moving beyond those feelings.
I feel my challenge is to dig deeper within myself to determine the hidden motivators that have me in some of my relationship - I've question some over the past years and the resolutions have been really good. There are a few more less obvious (for now that is) ones to look into. Thanks Sheri - this card is making good sense.
I am halfway through my two-week wait and am almost finished a year-long writing project...the challenge is to see both through with a positive attitude, regardless of the outcome! Thanks, Sheri. And a special thank you for all of your supportive e-mails and comments on my blog - you're a wonderful friend!
I certainly know where this conflict lies. And on a logical level I understand the motivations that are causing a stalemate in what was once a strong friendship.
But I can't help being mad, still, at the way I have been treated by someone with whom I was very close.
I know I should be able to rise above and just forgive and love, but is it wrong to just feel wronged for a little bit?
I believe I am usually compassionate for others and their situations, and empathetic toward what they are going through. But I'm just not feelin' it here!
Sounds like I have some work to do. Grrrr.
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
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