I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.
Yesterday's Intuitive Tuesday card was The Four of Swords. I have pulled an additional card today for Lilith who said:
What a great and honest card to be drawn right now.Today's Intuitive Tuesday on Wednesday card is the Knight of Cups. I love pulling this card because it signifies the start of romantic feelings or new feelings about something you are passionate about. It can indicate meeting someone new who you may be attracted to romantically.
I am standing in the midst of my daughter and her first broken heart, hoping she will find a way to move on.
My life has finally settled into this place where I can relax and enjoy the moments with my children, even working full time, cooking for 8 and managing romance in my life.
It is nice to see the universe seems to be following suit.
The day I met my DH (dear hubby), we went to lunch and had a great time. I was scheduled to leave that evening for the Thanksgiving holiday. The weather, however, was so bad that the roads were closed. So I sat and contemplated calling my prospective DH to see if we could get together. I didn't want to appear too forward, but I was excited because we had an unexpected opportunity to see each other.
So what did I do? Of course, I pulled out my tarot cards, shuffled, laid them out in front of me and asked, "Should I call this man and ask him to go out with me tonight?" You've probably guessed that I pulled the Knight of Cups...which was a huge YES! So I called him. And the rest, as they say, is history!
Lilith, I noticed that you mentioned your daughter's broken heart and managing romance in your own life. This card indicates that her heart will mend (or another suitor will soon appear) and/or that love is headed your way.
As for you...now is the time to open your heart and express who you really are and what you want in a relationship. Be romantic; be soft; be yourself and know that romance is in the air. Take full advantage of the energy of this card and have fun.
As for the rest of us...let's have some romantic fun too. If you are in a relationship, spice it up! Plan something special, wear something sexy and remember how it "used to be" when you first met and were smitten with each other...remember?
If you are not in a relationship, that's OK. Know that romance is in the air and open your energy up to possibly meet someone special. See a romantic movie or rent a romantic comedy and submerse yourself in the energy of romantic love. Make this a time of celebration and openness and ask your angels to bring these feelings into your life, if that's what you want.
And, know that the Knight of Cups doesn't HAVE to be about romantic feelings. It can simply be about being completely aware and open to your emotions -- about a relationship, your work, a new hobby, a sport...anything that you are passionate about!
Open your heart and your soul...and feel the love!
Thank you for that card and that reading. I told my daughter and read it to her.
It is wonderful and gives her hope! I am finally in a wonderful relationship with a great guy... I hope she will find the same... AFTER college :)
Warm Blessings!
Tonight will be the perfect opportunity for my husband and I to do a little romancing and connecting before the two of us become three.
I can only imagine this being true for me in the most metaphoric sense. Maybe some sort of Inner Lover, or Beloved...
Well I LOVE this card too. I have been getting all kinds of positive romantic cards during the last month. I interpret them as I am attracting a new job that I am passionate about AND the beloved romantic man I have been dreaming about for years!
Excavator, I am holding this truth for you: your beloved is seeking you out now. You don't have to "do" anything. He/she is on the way!
You mean I have permission to go to Victoria's Secret!? (as if I needed it).
What I get from this is the softness, the feminine. I should cultivate that more.
Thank you so much! That was delightful to drop by to check on Sheri's responses and find this message for me.
Sorry for the delets - I seem to only notice my typos after I've posted....
I'm here wishing this card was "Tuesday's" card! And at the same time I am getting the message that my Honey and I may benefit from defining what "romance" means to each of us. I'm noticing that the word itself either does nothing for me or feels funky and I'm a bit curious about that. Something to explore. Thanks Sheri et al!
At Sherri's recommendation I have begun pulling a card a day from my Llewellyn Tarot Deck. The past few cards have been interesting and seemingly on target for what's going on in my life. Last nite, however, became a bit more involved. I pulled the seven of wands, and, if I can recall correctly, it was about standing up for one's principles,creative ideas and thought(at least that's what is sticking in my mind) So I pulled another for the purpose of clarification, because although I had a sense of how it fit I wanted more, and I pulled the dreaded three of swords but I did my best not to panic. I wondered if this card could be reflecting the ongoing heartbreak of my unhappy marriage, rather than some new heartbreak, and my feeling that I've so far missed the boat in terms of a rewarding career. So, of course, I had to pull one more card, and I pulled the three of pentacles which is(according to my recollection & the meaning I derived from it)about work and having work gifts to offer that can be of monetary value and can go beyond as well. I can easily put those three cards together with the four of swords(Intuitive Tues) and the Knight of Cups(the follow-up card) and an interesting picture is painted about what is going on in my life these days. My husband and I are both looking for full-time work but I am also thinking past getting employed full-time and pondering where my gifts lie and how I can develop them in this second half of my life, to my benefit, and for the benefit of others.
Lilith I saw your sign-off of "warm blessings". That is a phrase I used quite a bit, when signing off, a while back. It's neat to see you use it too and I think I will begin using it again.
Glad your daughter found some comfort in that card. I pulled a couple of cards from my Doreen Virtue Angel deck yesterday, one for me and one for my own daughter, who was is in the midst of a meltdown, and it was amazing the way the two cards fit that situation. It helped us talk about the problem and do some problem solving, and I think it did help her because it really seemed to mirror her current experience. Very Cool!
Excavator I like your interpretation of the card for your life.
Well sorry so long. Thanks for having this community Sherri.
Warm Blessings, Helen
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