I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.
This week's Intuitive Tuesday card was the Queen of Cups. I have pulled an additional card today for Kohava who said:
I'm related to this one.The female energy around me need some boost!!! Thanks!I believe that we all need a boost of the female energy around us and the Queen of Cups is the ideal card to help us realize what female energies are present and what might be missing at this point in our lives. Some of the comments were about the strong female energies present now and in times past.
With any of the cards, it's good to remember that the energy symbolized by each card is present everywhere all of the time -- but in differing degrees. This can be mind-expanding when you think about all of those energy frequencies. Our minds tend to want to categorize energies and "on" or "off." But it's important to remember that all energies appear in varying degrees.
When I pulled the additional card for Kohava today, I pulled the Strength card (reversed), probably because this is the most prevalent energy to help give her (and all of us) the message we need most right now.
The Strength card in its upright position is pretty straight forward. It symbolizes power, strength, self confidence, triumph, health and healing, self-discipline, willpower and wisdom. It embodies all of the qualities that we long for, cling to and strive for most of the time. When we feel the energy of the Strength card, we feel we can tackle anything.
When it is reversed, there is a sense of not feeling as strong as you would like, lacking confidence and possibly not having the stamina you think you'll need to move you forward. Perhaps you have been "strong" for so long that you are out of fuel.
As women, especially when we are in our nurturing Queen of Cups role, we can become depleted of our energy and run on "fumes" for so long that we fool almost everyone most of the time...except ourselves. As we all know, it can catch up to us and then it becomes even more difficult to help others because our energy is gone.
The message from today's card, for Kohava and for all of us, is to take care of yourself. I wrote an article using the analogy of the water in a pitcher symbolizing your energy levels, and as you pour out your energy (in various places in your life), your pitcher can become empty. It's important to re-fill your "water pitcher" often so you can continue to help quench your thirst and the thirst of others. If you'd like to check out that article, click here.
Just like on an airplane in the safety talk when they say, "Put your mask on first and then assist others." You can't help anyone else if you are not breathing!
The message of the Strength card (reversed) is to take care of YOU! Although I pulled this card for Kohava, I feel each of us can heed this advice.
Your Coaching Prescription: Take time to replenish yourself -- at least three hours in the next seven days. Here are some replenishing ideas: take a bath, read a book for fun, take a nap, eat chocolate (without feeling guilty), get a massage, meditate, etc. Do something that will re-fill you and your energy...and then step back into the rest of your life feeling more refreshed and ready to give.
P.S. I did my homework from Tuesday. I set up a date with my DH and called my Mom and two other important motherly figures in my life. How did you do on your Action Steps?
PERFECT card - a great reminder for women when during our 'moon' time (menstration-which I'm experiencing right now - too much information???).
My body naturally wants me to care for myself during this time and my energy waffles. More often lately I've been honoring this - however for years I didn't, so every now and then I need to remind myself to cut myself some slack about feeling weaker than usual, that it's normal and that I'm doing exactly what my body needs by doing less.
Well, I still need to call my 3 mother-figures.
And as for replenishing, I am going to go sledding today.
I will take a long bath.
And I will get that massage that was rescheduled due to the blizzard.
Love the feminine energy that flows from these latest posts.
Ha! Funny. I didn't comment on Tuesday because I was so down and sick with the flu and depleted from my weekend of driving for The Teenager that I just didn't have the strength to get on board and say I could do anything Queen-of-cups-ish...I did call my mother, which I know was good, but I usually get off the phone with her even more worried about her health and well-being. It seems there are a lot of things to worry about lately, and I've been finding it overwhelming. Being home sick from work after already taking a few planned days off just adds to the guilt and stress. Thank you for this card as a reminder that if I don't take this time now to become strong and healthy, I won't be much good to anyone.
It is interesting that this is the second message I've gotten in two days with the airplane oxygen analogy.
The strength (reversed) card is pertinent in a few ways. It's a reminder and validation that my source of strength is to be cherished and respected. I find I am responsive on deep levels to the needs of others--and that doesn't automatically mean it's mandatory that I respond.
This card in its reversed position also validates a realization--my thinking,reasoning, judgment and decisions come from a very different model than the straightforward attributes of the Strength card in its upright form. I've spent a lifetime trying to squeeze my more Cups-like way of Knowing into the decisive Strength mold, and feeling I fail.
I am beginning to realize that to the extent that I can connect with the Queen of Cups as a foundation, I can also have Strength energy available to me. It's just not my primary source.
I've been feeling rather drained lately. Each day my mantra is "I'll do that tommorrow!" but tomorrow is always as busy as today. I'm also incredibly weary thinking about another two week wait coming up. But for now, I'm going to make myself a cup of red raspberry leaf tea (my moon time, too) and eat the chocolate orange marshmallow pumpkin my friend gave me. I'll turn on some soothing music, too.
Amen to taking care of yourself! Something we all need to remember to do as women! We tend to forget!!!!
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